Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I hoop dance. Well, sort of. I'd really like to hoop dance. Currently, I know how to turn in a circle, walk the hoop and I can ALMOST do a vertical lift. I would love to learn more, but classes are expensive and my hoop buddy goes back to Iowa this week. To live. Boo.
That brings me to another subject. Making friends in new places. Without a job or school, it is incredibly difficult to find people with similar interests. My only friend here, Shenae, works seven days a week and the only day I can hang with her is Monday, but soon she'll be taking a cake decorating class that I haven't the money for. Sigh.
But today!!! I have a job interview!! I have no idea what to wear, I'm terrified I'll fuck it up, and of course,I feel no one will ever hire me because of what that horrible corporation did to me about a year ago (fired me and lied about the reasoning, denying my unemployment and making me getting hired nearly impossible).
I miss working. I miss money. I want to get out of this horrible, tiny, loud house. I miss having my head together. I miss not crying every two days because I'm so stressed out.
I miss Portland so much. 
Here, there's the ocean and all this beautiful greenery, the fresh, salty air, but as soon as I step into my "home," I'm a big mess of stress and irritation. I just want to put duct tape over everyone's mouth and sip a cup of fucking coffee in silence. Seriously, if I go in the kitchen to sit at the table and read, Dan's grandmother will come in, and in her thick, old woman from New Hampshire accent and: ask me about: the cats, when Dan will be home from school or work, what time he works tonight (which she will ask him three times later today), what we're eating for lunch, did I make him breakfast, ask if I've gotten the mail, tell me her daughter is a horrible housekeeper, tell me the kitchen is disgusting, she will do some dishes, ask if there is "something good to eat," (meaning fried chicken, chocolate or something else full of fat) and eventually YELL, "OKAY, I'LL LEAVE YOU ALONE."
You may think I'm embellishing, but, no. Not even one little fiber. That is my day, only just two minutes of it. imagine about 16 hours of that. You'd want to duct tape her mouth, too.
I realize a lot of my blog is me complaining about this shitty house and how much I hate my life in its current state. Yeah. I do. I know. Sorry.
On the bright side, it is only a matter of time until I talk about our wonderful new home, our future wedding (I have a big ass file of pictures to share), kittens (OH, WE ARE GETTING KITTENS), and other fun things.
Also, I watched Dancing With The Stars for the first time with Dan's mom last night. Weird. I mean, it's interesting I suppose, but it's so... Odd. Pam Anderson was sort of sweet rather than her regular skankpop self, Jake from The Bachelor seems to be a total douche (but he did choose Vienna, so I should have known), and Buzz was ADORABLE. I was so mad that he got a 12/30. He was a good little old man dancer!
Well, now it's time to shower and prepare for this interview. Cross your fingers for me! I neeeed some money, dammit.

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